[Read.sIXx] Syphilis (Deadly Diseases and Epidemics)
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First recorded in Europe in the late 1400s, syphilis quickly spread throughout the world. A disease that slowly kills its victims, syphilis allows them enough time to spread it to others. It was not until the 19th century that syphilis was realized to be a sexually transmitted disease. Because syphilis was poorly understood, it became the subject of many myths and misconceptions, and people who suffered from the disease were often stigmatized. "Syphilis, Second Edition" looks at the disease from historical and epidemiological perspectives, describing the discovery of the bacterium that causes syphilis as well as the medical advances that shed light on how the disease spread, how that spread could be prevented, and the development of effective treatments. This revised edition contains new photographs and illustrations as well as updated statistics of syphilis rates in the United States. The chapters include: The Disease Called Syphilis; History and Folklore of Syphilis; Syphilis: From Plague to STD; Treponema: The Syphilis Organism; Prevention and Treatment of Syphilis; Epidemiology of Syphilis; Syphilis in Contemporary Society; and a Case Study in Syphilis Research. 10 Deadly Diseases That Hopped Across Species Bacteria and viruses that are deadly to one type of creature can evolve quickly to infect another. While the swine flu outbreak is the latest example a host of ... Native American disease and epidemics - Wikipedia European diseases and epidemics pervade many aspects of Native American life both throughout history and in the present day. Diseases and epidemics can be chronicled ... Epidemics of the Past: Smallpox: 12000 Years of Terror In the United States more than 100000 cases of smallpox were recorded in 1921. Strong declines occurred after that because of the widespread use of preventive vaccines. No Oscar Wilde probably didn't die of syphilis PBS NewsHour For decades after Wildes death the common wisdom was that his syphilis progressed into a serious brain infection during and after the time he was imprisoned in ... Bible Health Laws Tomorrow's World The health laws found in the Bible pose an interesting dilemma for anyone who believes in following biblical teachings. The Bible clearly states that certain foods ... Hidden STD Epidemic: Maps Show Infection Rates in 50 States Sexually transmitted diseases are one major group of viruses that make for ongoing hidden epidemics: in the United States alone there is nearly 20 million new ... Syfilis - Wikipedia den frie encyklopdi Sekundr syphilis forekommer ca. fire til ti uger efter den primre smitte. Selv om sekundr syfilis er kendt for sine mange forskellige manifestationer ... Syphilis - Wikipedia Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum subspecies pallidum. The signs and symptoms of syphilis vary depending in ... Disease and catastrophe - North Carolina Digital History Estimating the number of deaths due to imported diseases is difficult for two reasons. First we have only rough estimates of the population of most of the Americas ... INFECTIOUS DISEASES - pathguy.com INTRODUCING THE INFECTIOUS DISEASES Since ancient times physicians have known that many diseases are transmissible but because of the subtle and idiosyncratic ways ...
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